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Children’s Book Committee – March 2024 Selection
The Lost Year
Author: Katherine Marsh
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press (January 17, 2023)
You Are Here: Connecting Flight
Editor: Ellen Oh
Publisher: Allida
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May 1-7, 2023
Our Young Reviewer Says:
“One of my favorite books of the year. The Cold War story exposes the tribulations of living under the Ceaușescu dictatorship in Romania. The historical fiction is relevant in exposing this past history that still plays a part in current global conflict. I studied the Cold War for the USAD Academic Pentathlon in 2021. This book lays a foundation of inquiry for Middle Grade and YA readers. It was exceptional.
The story arc of the main character, Cristian, is masterful. The mistrust and spy elements of the book kept me guessing and rooting for different characters at different parts of the story. All of the characters grow together as they respond to the political unrest of their country, community and families. This was historical fiction but was well researched and accurate. It helped me to think critically about the current Russian/Ukrainian war in Europe.”
–Quade, age 13, Encinitas, CA.
Created November 2, 2022
Our Young Reviewer Says:
““I rate this book 9 of 10. I have dysgraphia and this was the first book I have actually read that tells what that is like. It was a ‘mirror’ book for me and I wish more kids and teachers understood about this. The time line was set in the 1960’s and I liked the popular culture historical references, like the Beatles. I wanted to spend my money to buy it and put it in my school and local library.”
–Quade, age 12, Encinitas, CA
Posted June 8, 2022
Reading savant, Quade Kelley, reviews 2021 national book award candidates for committee consideration. Review of "Wishes" by author Mươn Thi Văn. Created for the Young Reviewers Program of Children's Book Committee Center for Children's Literature at Bank Street College. New York, NY.
Created July 6, 2021
Review of 2020 national book award candidates for committee consideration. "When Stars are Scattered" By Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed. Created for the Young Reviewers Program of Children's Book Committee Center for Children's Literature at Bank Street College. New York, NY.
* Received multiple National Awards
Created April 10, 2021
Quade Kelley